Interview Rating Sheet (Notion)

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Make Informed Hiring Decisions with Our Powerful Notion Interview Rating Sheet Template

Our Notion interview rating sheet template empowers you to gather structured feedback and make data-driven hiring choices. Standardize your interview process and ensure you're selecting the best candidates for your team.


  • Standardized Evaluations: Ensure consistent and objective interview assessments.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Back your hiring choices with clear and quantifiable data.
  • Improved Collaboration: Share and discuss candidate feedback seamlessly within your team.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Save time and effort with an efficient interview rating.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Notion?
    Notion is a free digital space to think, write, and plan. Use it to capture thoughts, manage projects, or even run a company, all customized to your liking.
  2. How to download the template?
    Open the template link, then click the "Duplicate" button in the top-right corner of the page in order to make it yours.
  3. Can I share this with anyone else?
    Private license only. sharing by directing others to this page.
  4. Notion has a free plan?
  5. Can I ask you questions? Feel free to chat and DM me on any of my socials. I typically respond within a few hours, so don't hesitate to contact me.
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Interview Rating Sheet with Notion

Interview Rating Sheet
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Interview Rating Sheet (Notion)

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